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A Fresh Look at Glass Doors

Posted by Acme Lock on Mon, Jun 04, 2018 @ 06:25 PM

A Fresh Look at Glass Doors

Posted by Acme Lock on Mon, Jun 04, 2018 @ 06:25 PM

It’s a wonderful feeling as summer has come on strong and beautiful. The long grey days of winter are gone. Even though it’s only been a few months since we were still seeing snowy days, those days seem like a distant memory as the summer heat and even better the bright sun has overtaken us. As these summer days leave us feeling warm and hopeful though, there’s a frustration that’s likely to come. You still have just as many things that need doing indoors around the house. Laundry, cooking, cleaning, all the things that keep your home running like clockwork, and chances are you’re not getting to enjoy those longer days of sunlight. Look around you and see just how much of the outdoors you get to see?

A great way to solve this problem is to consider glass doors for your home. They’ll create a more open view, and take the beauty of your interior to a whole new level! But there’s other benefits to consider as well!

First and foremost is the increase in natural lighting. Science has found that there’s a whole range of health benefits we get from natural sunlight, from building our immune systems to helping to better regulate our moods. By increasing the natural light in your home, you’ll be able to take advantage of these benefits even on a busy day when you may not be able to spend as much time outdoors as you’d like.

Next to consider is the benefit of space. Because a sliding glass door doesn’t need to have the room for the door to swing open and closed, you get a little bit of space back. This can be a great benefit if you have a smaller home. Or maybe you can consider using that space to set a small planter to take advantage of that sunlight and bring some natural green into your home as well! (not to mention the benefits of cleaner and fresher air a live plant brings) Not only this, there’s a feeling of more open space a glass door brings beyond the actual physical space itself. Because you have a more open view, your brain will perceive a more open feeling, removing the claustrophobic sense we can get on days where we’re cramped indoors all the time. Just imagine come winter when you can sit by your glass door enjoying the view of the pristine snowfall, sipping some hot cocoa, and yet still warm indoors, the perfect cure for winter cabin fever!

Finally, there’s some possible energy savings to consider as well. With a high-quality glass door, you get the benefits of insulation you can find in a traditional door, while reducing your dependence on electric lighting during the day. This lets you save while still keeping the quality of life you expect.

For all these reasons, consider coming in and chatting with our helpful sales staff on if a glass door is right for you. We’ll help you find the right model and size for you home and budget. Remember, summer is the best time for projects like this, so give us a call!

Topics: Door Locksmith, General, Residential Locksmith