Since the tragic shooting in Newtown Connecticut, the gun industry has made it into the crosshairs of the government. Sales of Hand Guns, Rifles, Ammunition and even Gun Safes have exploded. In Acme Lock's 80 years of business, we have never seen demand rise more for safes. In the past 6 weeks, Acme Lock has sold more safes than we would in 3 years!!! Demand is so high that some safes now take up to 6 weeks or more to order.
Acme Lock has been able to locate gun safe suppliers with safes in stock to meet the incredible demand on Gun Safes. We currently stock 6 different models of gun safes and store more than 40 in our huge warehouse. You'll be able to find everything you need to keep your guns consistently protected and your family safe when you visit Acme Lock. You'll never need to worry about unauthorized access or other risks that often come with being a gun owner in Cincinnati, with reliable products that give you the best protection available.